Why and How to Smudge Sage and Palo Santo

High Thyme FARMacy • Jan 20, 2022

Learn How Sage & Palo Santo are Used for Smudging. Find Out the Health Benefits of Burning These Herbs, as Well as the Proper Way to Use Them in Your Space.

For thousands of years, the use of smoke, vapor, herbs, and incense has been used by various cultures to connect humans with the spirit world. Smudging is an ancient practice used to clear negative energy and create a positive aura. It is a simple process that can be done with just a few ingredients, and it is believed to have many benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. Smudging is a great way to cleanse your environment and boost positive energy.

Smudging has been used for centuries by many cultures around the world. The exact origin of smudging is unknown, but it is believed to have originated with the Native Americans, who used it to clear negative energy and to purify their homes and spirits. It was often used before important ceremonies or rituals. White Sage was considered a sacred herb by the Native Americans and was thought to have many spiritual benefits. Native American tribes still use sage in their ceremonies today, and many other cultures have since adopted smudging sage into their traditions. Smudging is now used in many ways, including to promote spiritual growth, to heal the mind and body, and to connect with the divine.

White Sage is one of the oldest and most famous herbs for the powerful cleansing of a home or sacred space. In addition to eliminating negative energy, using white sage is said to improve intuition. White sage has a rich, bitter, and intensely aromatic scent with intrinsic natural qualities suitable for cleansing the body, mind, and spirit. It is highly sought after for its ability to purify the environment and negative energy accumulated in the astral body. 

When it comes to smudging, there is a big difference between culinary sage and white sage. Culinary sage is the herb we use to flavor our food, while white sage is the herb that has been used for centuries for spiritual purposes. California White Sage, Blue Sage, Yerba Santa, Juniper, Cedar, and Palo Santo are all popular smudging herbs. 

Smudging is gaining popularity in the Western world, and many people are beginning to realize the benefits of smudging sage. The main benefit of smudging sage is that it clears negative energy and creates a positive aura. However, the benefits of smudging sage are vast and varied. Scientists have found that sage can kill up to 94% of airborne bacteria and disinfect the air. This is because burnt sage has been scientifically proven to release negative ions that neutralize the positive ions that cause allergies (pet hair, dirt, dust, and mold). A good way to eliminate and clear negative energies is to burn sage or, in some cases, spray it. If the only evil you want to protect yourself from is the smell of the house in winter isolation, you can greatly benefit from using a bunch of dried sage.

Palo Santo is another type of smudging herb that has many benefits. Palo Santo is a sacred wood that is found in the forests of South America. It is a slow-growing tree that takes many years to mature, and the branches are only harvested when they fall naturally from the tree. The Palo Santo we use today is sustainably harvested and ethically wild-crafted. 

Palo Santo is a natural antidepressant and can help to relieve stress and anxiety. 

Sage and Palo Santo work separately to cleanse a space; sage clears negativity, or bad energy, whereas Palo Santo adds positivity, or good energy. Sage and Palo Santo can be very powerful when used in tandem. However, you'll want to avoid using them at the same time - using both that the same time could confuse what is being asked to leave, and what is being invited in.

Some ideal times for smudging rituals are:

  • When moving into a new residence.
  • When beginning a new job or starting a new business.
  • Before and after a guest enters your home.
  • Before meditation, yoga, or other healing sessions.
  • Upon returning home from a crowded and noisy situation.
  • After an argument or illness.

Prepare to smudge your home by gathering your supplies. You'll need:

  • A smudge stick (white sage and/or Palo Santo)
  • Abalone shell or another fireproof dish (filled with sand) to hold the herbs while burning.
  • Matches or a lighter.
  • Optional: A feather to waft the smoke around.
  • Optional: Black Salt

Open a window in each room you are smudging to allow the smoke and negative energies to escape. If you have pets or children, make sure they are safe and out of the way while smudging.

Burning Sage can be as detailed or as simple as you want, but your intention must be clear before you start. If you are burning sage to cleanse a space, yourself, or a person, then this must be laid down in your mind before you light the sage and when you spread the smoke around. Intentions or prayers when burning sage can be something as simple as:

"I ask that all negativity, pain, and anger be released with this sage. Only love, light, and healing may enter this space." Or "I call upon the element of air to help me cleanse this space of all negative energy. I ask for protection and guidance in clearing away these energies." Feel free to say whatever feels right to you, just be sure to say it with deep-held love & positivity.

How to Smudge:

Light the tip of your smudge stick and allow it to burn for a few seconds until it is ablaze. Once lit, blow it out and allow it to smolder.

It is suggested that you smudge yourself before you smudge a room, object, or another person. You can smudge yourself or another person by waving the smoldering stick from side to side, feet to head, and from the front to the back of the body.

Walk around your space, moving clockwise around the edges of your room, passing the smoke over all surfaces with intention (i.e., thinking or saying positive things). You can also use a feather to waft the smoke around. Wave your smudge stick up and down near the walls and into the corners of the room.

When you're finished, put the sage out by rubbing it into the earth or an abalone shell filled with sand. Leave the window open to allow the smoke and negative energies to escape. Take a few deep breaths and center yourself before moving on from your smudging ritual. 

Store your smudge stick in a warm, dry place where it will not be damaged by water to ensure that it easily burns the next time you smudge. The same smudge stick can be used over & over until it burns down.

Using black salt after smudging your home is optional, but it can be a helpful way to keep your space energetically clean and protected. Black salt represents the element of Earth in the new moon and is used for protection, grounding, and barrier enforcement. It can be used alone or along with other items such as sage or Palo Santo for cleansing. After you have smudged your home, sprinkle black salt across all the doorways that lead to the outside. This will ensure that your home stays energetically clean and sacred.

You can smudge your space, objects, etc. as often as you feel the need. Some people smudge their space every day, others do it seasonally, some only do it when they feel like something is off.

Smudging your home with sage and Palo Santo are great alternatives to burning incense or using dreadful chemical air fresheners. It's a simple, easy, and affordable way to bring a sense of calm, positive energy, healing, and cleansing into your home space.


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